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KIWI Free Dreamweaver Template - Services

Pure CSS Baby!

Kiwi Free Dreamweaver employs several advanced usages of CSS Positioning and Dreamweaver Templating. Using this template will give you a chance to dip your hands into a beginners type complex layout.

The tabs used in this template functions as an image map using CSS only. One image is loaded as a background image with the <a> links positioned appropriately over the image to act just as an image map.

What's the benefit in this? As just a replacement for the HTML markup for an image map there is really no huge benefit. As a tool to use to your advantage when it comes time to redesign you site it can be very beneficial. This method will allow you to completely retool and renovate your site through the style sheet alone.

The general idea of a CSS image map was taken from a recent article published over at Alistapart.com.

Dreamweavers Optional Regions

In order to display the current tab set for your appropriate page I've included the header as an Optional Region. This will allow you to select any tabset to display from any page created from the template. Selecting the tab set is easy as pie. Just simply look in the head of the current page and look for:

<!-- InstanceParam name="Home" type="boolean" value="true" --><!-- InstanceParam name="Services" type="boolean" value="false" --><!-- InstanceParam name="Order" type="boolean" value="false" --><!-- InstanceParam name="Community" type="boolean" value="false" --><!-- InstanceParam name="About" type="boolean" value="false" --><!-- InstanceParam name="Contact" type="boolean" value="false" -->

Please note. This is all one line. Set to "true" the tab set you would like to be displayed and set to "false for all the others. That simple.

You can read Macromedia's tech notes in regards to Optional Regions here.

In closing

I hope you have fun tinkering with this template. You will get your opportunity to explore some new areas of web design incorporated within Dreamweaver.

The rest below is just some filler:

through a top-down, proactive approach we can remain customer focused and goal-directed, innovate and be an inside-out organization which facilitates sticky web-readiness transforming turnkey eyeballs to brand 24/365 paradigms with benchmark turnkey channels implementing viral e-services and dot-com action-items while we take that action item off-line and raise a red flag and remember touch base as you think about the red tape outside of the box and seize B2B e-tailers and re-envisioneer innovat

through a top-down, proactive approach we can remain customer focused and goal-directed, innovate and be an inside-out organization which facilitates sticky web-readiness transforming turnkey eyeballs to brand 24/365 paradigms with benchmark turnkey channels implementing viral e-services and dot-com action-items while we take that action item off-line and raise a red flag and remember touch base as you think about the red